+91 7702444575

School Metrics

  • India has 1.27 billion people, 74% literacy rate.
  • World’s largest child and youth population is in India – 600 million are below 24 years of age. (480 million child population) There are 1.30 million schools in India.
  • 220 million students enroll in elementary schools every academic year, more than half drop out before class VIII. Only 55 million are enrolled in secondary education (classes IX – XII)
  • 96.7% of the age 6-14 are enrolled in schools in rural India
  • 120 million students are outside school.
  • There is a shortage of 700000 teachers countrywide.
  • Pupil – Teacher ratio is 49.3
  • 9% of the schools make do with 1 teacher who teaches multiple subjects and classes
  • Only 19% of the students are enrolled in higher education (80% in USA and 28% in China)
  • 581 Universities and 35000 colleges enroll 20 million students in India. China has 1600 Universities and USA + Canada has over 9200 campuses.
  • During the past decade Government (State + Center) expenditure on education averaged 3.3 percent of the GDP.
  • 53.4% of the 5th standard students surveyed could not read, write or solve arithmetic problems expected of children in 2nd standard.
  • 25.4% of the 8th standard students could not read a 2nd standard textbook.
  • 32.5% of the 2nd standard children cannot recognize letters as yet.
  • Percentage of schools with computers 19.6%
  • 55.7% of schools have usable girls toilets


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